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Company Profile

Sociedad Busca is the family investment vehicle for the Chiang family.

The Chiang family has financed and, in several cases, founded leaders in the field of private equity, hedge funds, real estate and other specialized financing enterprises in Asia.  These include founding Lombard Investments Asia-Pacific in 1996, Ajia Partners in November 2000, Orion Partners in 2010 and Doma Capital in 2017.  Lombard focused on private equity, Ajia Partners on real estate, private equity, hedge funds and fund of funds.  Orion Partners focused on real estate and private equity while Doma Capital on merchant banking.


The current family leader orchestrated and led in the sale of strategic stakes in Ajia Partners and Orion Partners to ABN AMRO Asset Management in 2007 and BNP Paribas Capital Partners in 2016, respectively.  Orion Partner would eventually be sold in its entirety to Aberdeen Standard Investments.


Sociedad Busca continues to back talented fund managers as well as leads specialized financing vehicle Silver Screen Lotus and Korean cosmetics distributor GiBi Holdings in which it has major stakes in.

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